Friday, September 9, 2016

Enjoying the experience!

Here we go! This is my first official blogging experience so let's have some fun :)

2016 has been a wonderful year rich with learning experiences, family time and travels near and far. 

Academically, I am halfway through the URI Masters program in Adult Education. Because I work in adult basic education with students learning to speak and write in English and also with students working towards their high school equivalency, I have a strong desire to serve them well. Their academic prowess is critical and the support our program offers can be life changing. Its a great field to work in! We are in process now on-boarding six new teachers and helping them to learn about the needs of the adults.

My immediate family consists of two adult daughters, fours cats and a beagle. My girls are moving into their professional careers. Both have graduated from college and are attacking the world with passion and good intent. It has been a true joy to watch them launch and share their perspectives as they navigate life. The herd of pets left behind keeps me entertained with their personalities. The girls' independence has allowed me to explore more of the world through travel both domestically and internationally. 

This past March brought a trip to Dauphin Island, Alabama with my parents and my brother's family from Chicago. Spending that time together created deeper bonds and fond memories. In late July, I traveled to Warsaw, Poland for a Habitat for Humanity build where we helped to rehab a former apartment in a group home for developmentally delayed adults. The days of the week were spent by demolition, masonry, sheet rocking, plastering, sanding and painting. Evenings were spent seeing the city, visiting museums, dining, celebrating the Warsaw Uprising and attempting to speak Polish.  A second week was spent in Krakow visiting more museums; touring castles, cathedrals, the Jewish Ghetto, synagogues, shops and so much more. It was hard to come back to reality, lol.

So here, life is full of activities and adventures. What adventure have you had lately? 


  1. Wow Leslie - such wonderful experiences!!

    1. Thank you, Gail. It's been a fun year 😊

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Leslie, you have reminded me that I need to travel more! Sometimes between working and school, we can forget to set aside time to see the world.

    1. Yes, if you like it, you should. I put travel on a back burner for many years and am now making it a priority. Its exciting to learn things firsthand!

  4. Wow Leslie, With your busy life, where do you find the time? You have truly been blessed to have 2 daughters. My sister and I are very close and we spoil our parents as they spoiled us. I have two children. My daughter Emily is 21 and she is just about finished with her Plant Science degree at URI. My son, Zach is 18 and he just started Engineering at URI. For me, having them at URI with me is so wonderful. It's fun to run into them on campus, although my fanny pack and visor are not a big hit with the young kids. There is something so liberating about turning 50. That's a whole other story. Can't wait to hear more about your travels. Chris

  5. Wow Leslie, With your busy life, where do you find the time? You have truly been blessed to have 2 daughters. My sister and I are very close and we spoil our parents as they spoiled us. I have two children. My daughter Emily is 21 and she is just about finished with her Plant Science degree at URI. My son, Zach is 18 and he just started Engineering at URI. For me, having them at URI with me is so wonderful. It's fun to run into them on campus, although my fanny pack and visor are not a big hit with the young kids. There is something so liberating about turning 50. That's a whole other story. Can't wait to hear more about your travels. Chris

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Love hearing about your travels. You really pick interesting places and serving for Habitat must have been an awesome experience. Don't know how you find the time and energy ;)

  8. Love hearing about your travels. You really pick interesting places and serving for Habitat must have been an awesome experience. Don't know how you find the time and energy ;)
